Synthetic Cricket Wicket Installation and Maintenance

Synthetic Cricket Wicket

Can you breathe life into an old, neglected cricket wicket?

As any cricketer knows, the quality of the playing surface could have a significant affect on how the ball reacts. Wickets that happen to be bumpy or pitted can cause the ball to bounce erratically, wickets that are really hard will make the cricket ball bounce high and really fast, whereas pitches which are coated in grass will definitely minimise just how much that a spin bowler is capable of turning the ball.

To successfully standardise the playing surface and give a wicket which they can use in most conditions, a great number of leisure centres, institutions and cricket clubs use synthetic pitches. Though artificial pitches are much more resilient than natural wickets, they also need frequent maintenance to ensure that they’re in pristine condition. Fortunately, even ancient, uncared for cricket wickets may be brought back to life with a bit of TLC and the right treatment plan.

Artificial Cricket Pitches

Artificial cricket wickets may be installed on either a dynamic (stone) or non-dynamic (macadam or concrete) base. The top of the wicket itself is made from high quality short pile carpet that is either hardwood edged and nailed or nailed directly into the aggregate. Shock pads are usually installed below the surface of the wicket to ensure the ball bounces properly and that the synthetic surface responds exactly the same to the cricket ball every time, what ever the elements.

Maintaining An Artificial Wicket

Like all manufactured surfaces, artificial cricket cricket wickets need to be carefully maintained if they’re to offer the best possible playing surface all through the year. We recommend that anyone having an artificial cricket pitch should really implement a yearly deep clean schedule, level the batting region often and use one or more chemical treatment method twice yearly.

Despite routine repairs and maintenance, cricket wickets can easily deteriorate eventually, shock pads can harden and surface areas could become irregular. If you see that the bounce of the ball is starting to become uneven or that the pitch looks tired and worn, it could be the perfect time to give your synthetic playing surface a face lift.
In case you’re looking for much more info about cricket pitch preparation and maintenance this online site features quite a few more well written articles about artificial cricket pitch Uk.

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